Archbishop Foley Addresses Catholic Obstetricians

VATICAN CITY (VIS) – Archbishop John Foley, president of the

Pontifical Council of Social Communications, addressed the Second

International Meeting of Catholic Obstetricians on Friday in Rome. He

congratulated participants for being “faithful adherents to and indeed

apostles of the teaching of the Catholic Church on the sacredness of human

life at all stages of its development.”

The archbishop said that “as Catholic obstetricians you are more on the

front line of media interest than any other Catholic professionals,”

precisely because of the “issues in which the media have such an intense

interest: abortion, contraception, stem cell research, artificial

insemination, either by a husband or donor, intrauterine surgery, and

indeed a host of others.”

He noted that worldwide there “is diminishing respect for motherhood,”

and that “even in Catholic countries, the birth rate is falling rapidly.

… We must also face the fact that artificial contraception is widely

used, even by Catholics apparently without misgivings. Objectively, of

course, they are wrong.”

“To combat the morally noxious environment in which we live,” said

Archbishop Foley, “we must promote an environment – especially a media

environment – in which human life is respected at every stage of its

development” and one “of sexual responsibility and, therefore, of sound

family life.”

(This article courtesy of Vatican Information Service.)

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