and the Word

by Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer

what did You mean when You said

what do You mean now

do You speak to each of us

knowing each somehow

knowing we will hear some new


when we read

that thoughts must be chewed like bread

if we want to feed

study scripture

our rules say

read over and think

what do these words say right now

as I wash the sink

something will come up

I missed

Your words say so much

one can't read the whole thing and

get it all at once

one translation says it thus

no one says “thus” when

speaking the vernacular

though all say amen


I do

of others' thoughts

better to learn Yours

one must have a guide to make

one of Heaven's tours

so I listen


to You

know Your deepest touch

and You hold me

Your hands


each time means so much

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