Ah, Catholic schools

Two from my site:

(1)  Socialized

In one of my comment boxes a few months ago, a reader observed, "Attendance at a conventional school 'socializes' a student for only two things: prison and the army, the only two real-world experiences that bear any resemblance to school." That dynamic seems to be playing itself out marvelously at a couple of local universities:

CINCINNATI – A Xavier University student is accused of raping two female students in separate incidents. Michael Walker, 27, has been charged with three counts of sexual battery and two counts of rape.

Investigators said Walker gave the freshmen students enough alcohol at an October party that they either passed out or were unaware what was happening, then raped them.

(Miami U. is the obvious second university.)

Tell me again why I should be excited for my daughters — or sons, for that matter — to experience "life on campus."

(2) But, hey, they won a Blue Ribbon

"Homework will be much harder for you next year."

"Really? That stinks."

"And, omigosh, you'll l-o-o-o-ve religion class."


"Because you don't have to do anything. We just draw pictures. We played kickball one time."

"That's … weird."

"I mean, there's nothing else to learn, right? Oh, and one time the teacher fell asleep …"

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