Advertisment Compares Pro-Life Advocates to Terrorists

Washington, DC — In a new advertisement scheduled to appear November 14 & 15 in two Washington, D.C. newspapers, the pro-abortion Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice labels pro-life advocates as “domestic religious terrorists” and compares pro-life people to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. The ad blames pro-life advocates for letters containing anthrax threats sent to hundreds of abortion facilities over the last several weeks — despite any clear evidence pointing to any credible pro-life groups or people.

RCRC President Rev. Carlton Veazey states in the ad, “Like other extremists who cloak themselves in religion, antiabortion zealots are certain God wants them to terrorize and even kill for their beliefs. Tragically, America is now feeling the kind of fear abortion providers and women have long known.” It also says that post-Sept. 11 America is feeling the same fear that abortion practitioners have long known.

The ad, running in the Nov. 14 issue of The Hill and the Nov. 15 issue of Roll Call, (two political newspapers geared toward members of Congress, their staffs and other political and media elites) is titled “Bombs, Bullets and Anthrax” and states that “[t]errorism in any form has no place in a nation that values tolerance, pluralism and individual conscience,” adding that those who attack abortion facilities “blaspheme the very religions they claim to represent.”

The ad discusses acts of violence against abortion practitioners and abortion facilities but makes no mention of acts of violence against pro-life organziations, pro-life people or crisis pregnancy centers. No quotes are provided in the ad from countless credible pro-life organizations that have strongly condemned abortion-related violence over the years.

The ad concludes that Americans must “intensify our struggle against those — whatever their ideology, theology and geographic origin — who would deprive us of our rights and freedoms.”

The RCRC is a “national interfaith pro-choice organization” composed of 40 national religious groups from 18 different denominations and faith traditions, and bankrolled by abortion advocates.

ACTION: Please send **polite** letters to Roll Call and The Hill expressing your displeasure with their decision to allow these offensive ads to run.


Roll Call

50 F Street NW, Suite 700

Washington DC 20001

(p) 202-824-6800, (f) 202-824-0475

The Hill

733 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 1140

Washington, DC 20005

(f) 202-628-8503

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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