Thanks for the article on Mary phobia. Once again, you've assisted me in crafting a charitable apologetic response to my close Evangelical friends.
You mentioned Eucharistic Adoration in the article as well which really prompted me to respond. We've corresponded earlier on this subject, and I had mentioned how close we were at our parish of establishing Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Well, beginning September 10 at 12 noon, we officially started. We filled up those hard to fill Saturday afternoon hours and we are there! As coordinator, I have just been on “Cloud 9” that I was able to be a part of God's Will by listening and obeying regardless of the cost. I know it was all the workings of the Holy Spirit but I was excited that in some small way, I was able to help and do my part.
The other update I wanted to share with you was about our Adult Formation Series I had mentioned previously. Well, the first of five monthly talks begins tonight. Deacon Jim Keating, Ph.D and professor of moral theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum here in town (Columbus, Ohio) is presenting. He is rock solid in his faith and I am so glad he is teaching our seminarians. The topics are: Spirituality of Marriage, Spirituality of Family, The Real Presence, Corporal Works of Mercy and Beyond, and What It Means to Be Catholic in Today's Culture. You can get the write-ups on our parish website if you're curious.
If you would, please keep this program in your prayers.
Thanks again, Mark, for all you do! You may not hear much positive feedback but in my circle of friends, its very much appreciated.
Peace to you,
Wonderful to hear about the Adoration and Education programs you've got going!
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange