
by Pavel Chichikov

I fell before you, secret One

God’s anointed, only Son,

Invisible inside your home,

A tabernacle, windows none

Doors divided, then a cell

Unseen and yet I knew you well

From all you have devised and done –

God’s anointed, only Son

A riddle set you, gave to me

How to adore and yet not see,

And I in turn gave back to You

Unseen my soul to heal, renew

Exchanged we then my soul confessed

For bounty which is limitless,

Unspoken treaty signed and done

By sacrifice, God’s only Son

Here I lost and could not hold

My glimpse of you, as if my soul

Had lost the will by which to see

Your sweet invisibility

And yet in love you still supply

What none can grasp by thought or eye,

Gracious have devised and done –

The love of you, God’s only Son

Pavel's Websites are at The Poetry of Pavel Chichikov and Catholic Images by Pavel Chichikov

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