Ad Writer Advocates Advertising Approach for Sharing Gospel

by Allie Martin and Jody Brown

(AgapePress) – An advertising executive says Christianity can be portrayed as fun, vibrant, and exciting as any product advertised through the mass media.

For years, Ginger Sinsabaugh has written ad copy for national brand products such as Rice Krispies, Wheaties, and McDonald's. As a Christian, Sinsabaugh says the life-changing gospel of Jesus can be presented in an irresistible way to the world.

“I think it's funny … how we all remember the commercials we saw on Super Bowl Sunday, but we can't remember the sermon we heard that same Sunday morning,” Sinsabaugh says. “A lot of times it's just because … a lot of time goes into a 30-second message just to keep it simple, to boil it down to one point that will stick in your brain like flypaper.”

In her new book Act Now! Offer Ends Soon!, Sinsabaugh encourages Christians to share the gospel of Christ using techniques found in those same memorable television ads — and to keep the message short and to the point. “Christ didn't waste time grabbing His audience's attention,” Sinsabaugh says. “His words turned heads, changed hearts, healed the sick, convicted consciences and made many people angry. Whatever Christ said, He was quick to make a lasting impression.”

But she cautions not to forget a vital component of the message. “The first thing is to make sure you're enjoying your Christianity yourself,” she says. “Somebody telling me about the love of Christ who doesn't have a smile? It doesn't go very far. So I think your genuine enjoyment of your faith … is your strongest testimony.”

Sinsabaugh is an inner-city church youth leader in Chicago. She says she was inspired to write her book when she realized she was spending more time preparing advertising campaigns than she was preparing lessons for her youth group. “If I can get America to listen to a talking cereal [Rice Krispies], I should be able to get them to listen to me talk about Christ,” she says. “So why not use the tools of advertising to tune people on to Christianity?”

Her book tells readers how to learn the “Seven Rules of Advertising Your Faith” by creating a craving, saying it in a new way, and by keeping it simple.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

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