Abortion Pill Not Popular in Hawaii

Honolulu, HI — Planned Parenthood of Hawaii has not had a big demand for the dangeorus abortion pill RU-486 since offering it in July as an alternative to surgical abortion, says Barry Raff, executive director.

He said the agency has used the pill in 11 medical abortions thus far, and another is scheduled, for a total of about a dozen in six months. The agency has had “nowhere near” the demand expected when the Clinton administration allowed the legalziation of RU 486, he said.

Most women who have used the abortion pill are in their late 20s or 30s and prefer the privacy of their home, he said. “We don't push any option,” Raff claimed. “We just make sure everybody knows the options available.”

Some women favor it because it does not involve surgery and may be considered a more natural process, Raff claimed. Others prefer surgical abortion, with one visit to the abortion facility, he said.

Diane Baker, lead nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood, said a couple thousand surgical abortions are done annually by the pro-abortion organization for women ranging from 15 to 45 years old.

“It takes us longer. We have to explain the medical side vs. surgical. Many people call,” Baker said. “They think, 'I can just take a pill and I won't be pregnant anymore.' Things aren't that simple.”

There are side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea and cramping, Baker said. “Nobody gets all of them. Patients report different side effects.” John Long, Hawaii Right to Life executive director, has called the abortion pill unsafe and “horrific.” He said it may be more psychologically damaging to women than post-abortion syndrome associated with surgical abortion.

Baker said those opting for the abortion pill overall are happy with it but that it is not appropriate for all women. “We have pretty strict criteria.”Planned Parenthood may advise women against RU-486 if it is felt they are not good candidates, she said. “But people more or less rule themselves out.”

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)

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