Abortion Advocates Sue Again to Stop Florida Choose Life Plates

West Palm Beach, FL — A pro-abortion law firm challenged the constitutionality of Florida's Choose Life license plates in a lawsuit January 15, challenging the way the funds it raises are distributed.

The lawsuit filed in federal court seeks a temporary restraining order to block further distribution of more than $650,000 raised from sales of the plates since 2000. Counties use the money to promote adoption.

The suit was filed on behalf of two groups prohibited from receiving the funds because they promote abortion.

“This scheme turns the Florida government into a fund-raiser for the anti-choice movement,” said Brigitte Amiri, an attorney for the pro-abortion New York-based Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, which represents the plaintiffs.

A state lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the plates was thrown out late last year by a Leon County judge. Opponents in that suit had claimed the plates amounted to a state-sponsored religious message.

Amiri said this suit was different because it challenges the constitutionality of the distribution of funds rather than the plates' message.

“An organization that is pro-choice by definition can't receive funds,” she said. “That's a direct infringement on those organizations' First Amendment right to free speech.” She said Florida also was violating the separation of church and state because some counties were allowing religious organizations, such as Catholic Charities, to distribute the state funds.

The suit ultimately seeks to recall the plates, arguing they discriminate against people who want to express a different viewpoint because a pro-abortion plate isn't available.

The optional plates went on sale in August 2000 and more than 25,000 had been sold through the end of October.

Bob Sanchez, spokesman for the state Motor Vehicles Department, said he couldn't comment because he hadn't seen the lawsuit. He added that the agency was simply carrying out a law passed by the Legislature.

Lynda Bell, spokeswoman for Florida Right to Life, said the suit “proves how radically left these pro-abortion groups are.”

The case, Women's Emergency Network v. Bush, was assigned to U.S. District Judge Michael Moore in Miami.

The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy filed a similar lawsuit against Louisiana's Choose Life license plates. A judge in that case ruled in its favor and the group is awaiting the outcome of the state's appeal.

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)

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