Get ready for some major Mac geekiness going on from this Catholic Mom . Yesterday, I had my first meeting with my new "Personal Trainer".
No, I'm not paying $50 bucks an hour to one of those hulky guys at Bally's to stand next to me and count. I've enrolled in the One to One Training program at our new Apple store in Fresno. For $99, I purchased a year's subscription entitling me to a one hour per week tutorial session with a Mac expert in the store. I get to decide what I want to learn about and set my own pace. Finally, I may be able to start using my Macbook to her full potential.
Yesterday, in 46 minutes, my new trainer taught me a few digital photography tricks that have stumped me since I purchased the computer. I'd consulted all of my usual sources (dummies books, yahoo help, etc) to no avail. Within ten minutes, my trainer had answered most of my questions simply and had me looking at even better alternatives. I'm thrilled to have made this investment and am looking forward to my next session.
I initially hesitated to spend the money on this training, as I felt I should be able to master my new mac on my own. But after my first session and now seeing all the creative potential that lies within my computer waiting to be unlocked, I have no doubt that this was a wise decision. Have a Mac? Check out One to One Training and unlock your inner geek!