Dear Editor,
Since last May I was diagnosed have a life threatening autoimmune disease, Systemic Lupus, which has affected my kidneys at an advance stage. I am 47 years old and have young two children, 11-1/2 and 8-1/2. Stem cell transplantation may represent a cure to my blood cells which are misdirected and targeting my organs as if they are transplants being rejected.
However, in the thick of my own dilemma, I question this technology. I see it as a scale that can never achieve balance. I am also a Catholic Lay Carmelite as of a few days ago, July 14, 2001.
In many ways, I understand this to be like farming eggs from chickens, except, we humans are the livestock. Was not Adam in the Bible tempted by the serpent to know all things, have all riches and be equal in intellect to God? Was this “Apple” not the separation of God and Man until Jesus the Redeemer came to reunite us?
Is stem cell research perhaps another “apple”, another human insult to the Creator? Ethically, I see the temptation; individually, I realize this could lead to a breakthrough in my own autoimmune illness.
I hold President Bush in my prayers as he is brought into the “fruit salad” debate. However, in Faith I must believe that Divine healing will be there for me if God so wills it and I will be healed through His grace enough to see my children grow up and yet enjoy life. Prayer changes things. I can given witness to this much!
In reverence for Life, I would pray that this potential multi-billion dollar temptation of learning and use of all powerful knowledge be somehow redirected so it is not at the expense of human life, as it lives today or as it potentially may live tomorrow.
I ask all people in every walk of Faith to pray for guidance and revelation on this watershed issue. We are the livestock. Just keep that in mind as we bid all evil to let us alone and continue our efforts in medical research.
God bless life in all its forms and potential as well as the researchers and politicians involved in this critical issue.
Ann Marie (Schrage) Glaviano
Naperville, IL