Job 27:6
I hold fast my righteousness, and will not let it go;
my heart does not reproach me for any of my days.
Old Job was made of remarkable stuff. Most of us can’t say we “hold fast our righteousness”. Or, if we do say it, we are rather likely to be saying it with a depth of pride that rivals the worst Pharisaism. But Job seems to have been able to say it with a clean and (mostly) humble heart. Something the way a guileless child might say it when she looks you straight in the eye and says she is telling the honest truth. Every now and then, we’ve met a person who really is pure in heart and who is able to even see that fact for themselves. It is a beautiful and rare thing. For the rest of us, however, there is still hope. For God gives us the sacraments (especially confession) to give us by grace what Job seems to have enjoyed in fuller (though not perfect) measure. Step into the confessional with the load of all the sins in the world on your shoulders (it matters not how much). Step out and you are as clean as after a bath and as full of grace as any saint in heaven with not a soul in the world to reproach you for your sins. Go take advantage of that incredible grace as soon as you can. You don’t have to lug around your sins a moment longer! By the grace of God in the sacraments, you can have a heart free of reproach too!