A Difference of Opinions

[This letter is in response to the Chuck Colson's article “The Moussaoui Verdict: Freud Is Alive and Well.”]

Dear Editors,

I found the Chuck Colson article today, “The Moussaoui Verdict: Freud Is Alive and Well”, to be highly objectionable and offensive to our faith. I do find most of your articles to be very orthodox and fruitful. And despite the fact that Mr. Colson's overriding theme concerning the problems with Freudian psychology are laudable, he makes his point in the context of suggesting that the jury erred by not giving Moussaoui the death penalty, which is only permissible in extremely rare and unusual circumstances per Catholic pro-life teaching. This article should not have been permitted.

In Christ,

Deacon Steve Miller

Dear Deacon Steve Miller,

I would like to apologize for any confusion you had in regards to the Chuck Colson article. It was intended as an opinion piece with a view that might differ with yours as a way of presenting other ways of looking at an issue.

The Editorial Staff of Catholic Exchange works very hard never to present its readers with material contrary to the teachings of the Faith. In reviewing the article again, there was in fact nothing in it divergent with Church teachings. While it is true that Pope John Paul II advocated limited use of the death penalty, the death penalty itself is not inconsistent with the Sacred Tradition of faith and morals in the Catholic Church, particularly as it regards the virtue of Justice. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote very succinctly on this matter.

Mr. Colson’s argument was not that jury erred in NOT giving Moussaoui the death penalty. Rather, the author questioned the methodology by which the jury came its decision.

Please remember that Moussaoui is a member of a radical and violent Muslim sect that is clearly at war with the United States. He is also one of their mission planners. If one of the top members of the Nazi’s fell into our hands DURING World War Two, the potential of the penalty of death from a criminal trial might be a comparable example.


Timothy Wheeler

Editor, CatholicExchange.com

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