by Pavel Chichikov
No money for a candle
What candle shall I burn?
I will burn your flesh
I will burn your bone
I will burn your heart
The finger and the vein
I will make a torch
Each color to obtain
Purple be the color
Defender of the just
Violet the color
That mercies the unjust
Burning be the blood
Flowing to the chest
Shadowless the fire
Scarlet as the Christ
Yellow be the color
Corporeal the flame
Illuminate creation
The blinded and the lame
Blackness be the color
Of burning in the mind
Greenness be the color
Of peace of every kind
Burning be the soul
Of every color made
I will burn completely
Nothing will be paid
Everything consumed
Those colors I shall gather
To make a self anew
A candle for My altar
Visit Pavel’s website at Grey Owl Press.