Homily of the Day

The Mass readings are proper to the celebration of the dedication of the Roman basilicas to the Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul.

The first reading, the conclusion of the Acts of the Apostles, recounts the arrival of St. Paul in Rome on his appeal to the Roman Emperor. Allowed to lodge in a private house, for two years before his martyrdom, Paul continued to proclaim the Gospel message: “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught the truth about Jesus Christ, the Lord, quite openly, and without any hindrance.”

The Gospel reading recounts St. Peter’s encounter with Jesus at the lake, where Jesus appears walking on the water to his disciples who were in a boat rocked by heavy winds and big waves. Peter asks to walk to Jesus on the water, loses heart and begins to sink before the Lord keeps him up. In response the disciples worship Christ, “Truly, you are the Son of God.”

May the Church continue to faithfully preach the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, the Son of the living God.