Homily of the Day

In the first reading, praying for God’s chosen people, Israel, Daniel prayed for God’s mercy and forgiveness for all the failures and infidelities of the people of Israel in their dealings with their God.

In the Gospel reading from the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus tells us to be merciful just as our Father in heaven is merciful, not to judge and condemn others so that we would not be similarly judged and condemned, and to be generous in giving so that we would receive much in return.

Being aware of our weaknesses and shortcomings, we should be ready to forgive those who have wronged us. We should be ready to give others a “second chance,” just as we pray to God to give us “second chances” when we fail before him. We should be generous to God and to others: For the measure you give will be the measure you receive back.”