Homily of the Day

In the book of Esther, the Jews of Persia were being threatened with extermination. But Mordecai and Esther both prayed to God with all their might and implored Him to deliver Israel. God saved His people and their enemies were destroyed.

Oftentimes we go about our daily lives doing many things. When something goes wrong, we try to fix the problem. Often as a last recourse, we ask God for help. To pray to God does not mean not to rely on one’s capacities. It means to invite God into our daily life activities and struggles. It is always good to pray at the beginning of the day, during the day and at the end of the day. In this way, we will be calmer in our decisions, much less impatient and more clear-headed.

It is also not proper to ask God for everything. What we should pray for are things that we really need and things that would benefit others. It is also good to pray for people who have serious problems in life after we have counseled them a bit. We will not know the power of prayer unless we have prayed for a long time and seen its fruits.

Once we have established an intimate relationship with God through prayer, we can start to talk to him as a son addresses his father. We begin to trust in him and understand his plans for us and for others. We start to think like Jesus who is the best model of prayer. Jesus prayed all the time and loved all men totally. The Father always listened to his prayers which were always in accordance with the mind of God.