Homily of the Day

The gospel shows our lack of trust in the word of God. Often, our prayers consist of requests for guidance, wisdom, forgiveness and other more specific requests. As we pray, we believe that it will be answered in God’s time. And yet very often we impatiently wait for God to answer our prayers. When we get impatient, we feel lost, we feel that He has forsaken us. We question His love and loyalty to us. Although we do not admit it, we know that we are looking for proofs of God’s existence in our lives. We ask for signs.

We always want to get a “sure thing.” It’s a normal human reaction to expect that “you get what you pay for.” In making a purchase or deciding on an investment, we need the reassurance that we’re getting what’s expected. But, where’s the faith in that attitude or disposition? We don’t allow God to work His Will into our lives because we are too concerned or too busy pushing our own agenda. Sometimes our will gets in the way of allowing God’s will to happen. That’s because we naively think we know better.

Lord, teach us to understand your will and your ways. Help us to truly trust in you, especially when we feel lost or we don’t feel completely confident of where we’re going. Please continue to guide us and calm our restless and anxious hearts. Let the sign we cling on to be your own sacrifice on the cross. There you showed us how you stayed faithful to the very end. Even if the outcome at that time didn’t seem so clear, you offered up your spirit to the Father and he took care of everything. May we also be blessed with that same trusting faith.