Homily of the Day

Jesus calls each one of us to a journey of faith in and with him. In this journey he reveals himself to us a bit at a time. We do not see the complete picture at once but, with faith and trust in him and his goodness, we continue journeying with him even in difficult times.

In the Gospel reading, Jesus cures the blind man in stages: first, the blind man begins to see men like walking trees and, after Jesus touches his eyes, he could see perfectly. Why a miracle in steps? Perhaps Jesus wanted to teach us how he deals with us.

Some say, “Faith is believing in what we do not see, and the result of faith is seeing what we believe in.”

In my own life, faced with the difficult situation of the death of my husband, I had to hang on in faith that God would take care of me. And indeed with new beginnings and challenges, with new opportunities to love and be loved, somehow the death of my loved husband has brought me into a closer and deeper relationship with God.

Although I continued to struggle with the loss of my husband and with loneliness, this journey with God has been beautiful, with God leading and showing himself day by day.