Homily of the Day

In the first reading from Genesis we are told that mankind had become so corrupt and evil that God decided to rid the earth of mankind. This is the frightening scenario of the great flood when only Noah, his family and animals in his ark were saved. How many men today would be pleasing in God’s eyes, as Noah was pleasing to God in his time?

In the Gospel reading Jesus teaches us to see and hear the real message he was giving. Unlike the poor disciples who still did not see nor understand his miracle of multiplication of loaves and fishes, Jesus wants us to see his mission of conversion of heart. His miracles were to have people see that he had come to save mankind from evil, sinfulness and the effects of sin. His teaching and miracles were for them to see God’s hand in their lives.

We pray for the grace of true conversion from our sinful ways and of genuine faith in Christ and his message of salvation.