Homily of the Day

In the parable of today’s Gospel reading, we see God calling all to be with him at his heavenly feast. God offers to all his unconditional love and mercy but some turn down his invitation, like the many guests first invited to the wedding feast of the king’s son in the parable.

God makes use of different ways to invite us to union with him but some choose to ignore him or turn deaf ears or blind eyes to the truth of God’s message and invitations. Instead they choose to rationalize their faults and shortcomings and choose only what they wish to believe. They fall into the temptation to be self-righteous, utterly forgetting that as creatures we need God in our lives. Even worse, many fall into sin and move further from God’s love.

We must remain open to God’s invitations and grace. He patiently awaits our response, always respecting the freedom he has given us. We hope we have the wisdom and grace to respond to his calls.