FRONT ROYAL, Virginia The Population Research Institute, in its current Weekly Briefing, exposes the shocking hijacking by the U.S. foreign affairs establishment of President Bush's new program to combat AIDS in suffering Third World countries and the gutting of the original intentions and effectiveness of the new $15 billion U.S. program.
“Last week”, says PRI, “the Senate Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (S1426) effectively nullified each and every one of the new provisions in the Global AIDS bill, new provisions that are intended to make the U.S. effort to combat HIV/AIDS truly effective. The $15 billion has been redirected towards the USAID Child Survival Account which, despite its attractive name, funds population control programs and family planning clinics.”
PRI continues that, following aggressive population control lobbying “All the money is now free to go to USAID's favored family planning groups, which have so spectacularly failed to halt, and may actually be fueling, the AIDS epidemic that is ravaging Africa.”
The population control watchdog concludes in its report that “The solution is clear: All new HIV/AIDS money must be moved away from USAID's Child Survival account and back into the hands of the new AIDS Coordinator.”
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