Keith Koffler

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Award winning journalist Keith Koffler has 16 years of experience covering Washington. As a reporter for CongressDaily, National Journal magazine, and Roll Call, Keith wrote primarily from the White House, covering three presidents and learning as few have the intricacies of the West Wing and the behavior and motivations of its occupants. While mainly stationed at the White House, he also extensively covered Congress and Washington’s lobbyists. Keith has also written for a variety of other publications, including Politico, The Daily Caller, and The London Observer. He currently writes regular opinion columns for Politico. He blogs at

A Guide to Winning the Goriest Campaign in 184 Years

Obama and Other Great Men Who “Tried Real Hard”

The Roadmap to Obamacare Repeal

Obamacare Is Not Permanent Yet. Not Nearly.

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare

The New Reality: Obama Makes Laws

An Obama Fundraiser’s PR Boost to a Brutal Dictator

Boy, I Hope We Never Need the Finns For Anything

Romney Doesn’t Need New Hampshire

Obama Fundraising Declines