An Unchanging Church

It is perfectly true that other Christian denominations have adopted the whims of the world, embracing contraception, same-sex marriage, and other modern fads. But churches which have chosen this path have chosen self-destruction. The Episcopal Church, the flagship of accommodation to a permissive culture, is rapidly dwindling, splitting between those who have chosen to embrace the Faith their fathers rejected and those who have embraced the new morality. The acquiescence of Christian denominations to the dictates of the new morality has rendered them increasingly irrelevant.

The Catholic Church is a rock in a desert of shifting sands, an unchanging diamond in a sea of shattered glass. Her constancy is Her power; Her fidelity to Christ her strength. Let the Church be as She is, or cease to be.



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Paul Wilson is a M.A. Candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is the founder and editor of Gray Matters, and is a regular contributor to The Subsidiarity Times and You can contact him at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter at @PaulWilson34.

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